Many parents are already addicted to the salt, sugar, caffeine, and artificial flavors of all the prepackaged and fast foods that have flooded the general population and they in turn feed it to their children. Doing so virtually ruins any chance they have of ever enjoying the wonderful benefits and flavors of natural foods.
There was a time when parents understood that it was important to feed children real food. Today, thanks to marketing, laziness, and social brainwashing, our children are suffering. Almost from infancy, they are filled with empty, and unnecessary calories. Crying must mean hunger right? Plug up the mouth and stop the noise. Put the babies to bed sucking on a bottle, by doing this you as a parent create an emotional imprint, it becomes a form of 'self' soothing with food. It's no wonder so many people are triggered to run to food when life is unfair, or they are under stress, they have been programed from the crib. Feeding them in your arms, and then laying them down, and letting them cry a little has a different imprint. They were comforted and fed by someone. Now it is time to be alone and it is okay, any fear that may be causing distress can be soothed by remaining close to your baby. Lullabies were created for this purpose, a soft voice, a soft pat on the back, or a rub let's them know you are there. Anything, other than more food.
Candy, crackers, chips, cookies are all used to stop a child from fussing by many parents. Again, it is emotional imprinting, and it revolves around eating, only now it is also 'rewarding' unacceptable behavior with food. Unacceptable behavior should have an unpleasant consequence, not a bribe from parents. Candy, crackers, chips, cookies are also used as a reward for a job well done by many parents Why? A child should receive praise for a job well done. It really is all they want from you.
No wonder there is rampant lack of self control in children today, make no mistake here, I am not saying this is the only reason for a lack of self control.
I do find it interesting though that we never heard of ADD/ADHD or juvenile diabetes, and childhood obesity when parents did not have all the processed foods to feed the children. Sure there were always a few 'chunky' kids who were usually stuffing their faces with something, but as far as the majority of the population, kids were lean and toned and they had energy to run and play. Goodness knows that today, as a society, we can not blame the parents. No, that would be politically incorrect I'm sure. The sad truth is, and always has been that it starts at the home.
My children did not eat super sweet foods and never candy. They occasionally had chips, crackers, or cookies (always homemade with oats, fruits or nuts), as a treat/snack, not as part of the meal (or as a 'reward' if they ate). They had julienne vegetable sticks and sliced fruit with their sandwich and they ate them. Why? It is all that I would give them. This way of eating has been proven to keep blood sugar balanced and energy levels up. I knew one day they would venture into the world beyond my protection. I was IMPRINTING GOOD HABITS, and I only had a few short years to do it. People were always justifying wanting to feed the junk foods to my kids, completely dismissing the fact that my kids were not 'feeling' deprived. My kids would scrape off the frosting from birthday cakes, their choice, it was too sweet, and to them it was gross. Why? Because I stood firm in my commitment to develop in them a desire for real food, and to this day, they acknowledge how bad they feel when they make poor choices of food, and how much better they feel when they eat the way Mom fed them.
Part Two: I will address 'possible' solutions to turn kids around when it appears to be too late.
We must begin at the beginning. In the beginning was a garden and everything needed to sustain life was within the Garden. I am a grandparent, I want my children's children to know the lessons and not repeat the mistakes. I see them, I talk to them, I tell the stories.
I have a website and a new t-shirt line to help raise awareness of how critical REAL FOOD is. Your support enables a voice to be heard all across the world.
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