Fitness for Kids - Keep It Simple, Keep It Fun

Helping your child to develop regular fitness practices can aid in the prevention of serious illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. An active lifestyle can also promote healthy behaviors and reduce the likelihood that your child will become overweight.

A sedentary (inactive) life, one that doesn't promote regular exercise and well-balanced nutrition, most often will lead to chronic illnesses and unwanted medical complications. You serve as the primary role model for your child, as you personally adopt wholesome routines that contribute to a healthy, more active life, they will follow your example.

If you wish for your child to change potentially harmful habits and to engage in fitness activity on a regular basis, you must encourage positive habits and assist your child to put them into action. It is vital to reinforce the significant role exercise plays in contributing to general fitness and personal well-being; it will assist them to understand the benefits of being mindful of their health.

Safety Tips to Remember:

¨ Always obtain approval from your child's doctor before taking part in any physical activity.

¨ Your child should wear a helmet when using wheeled vehicles of any type including skates and skateboards. Use a helmet during tobogganing or sledding.

¨ Have your child to perform stretching exercises before beginning strenuous activities. This will prevent muscle tears or strains.

¨ Make sure your child avoids using trampolines. Medical associations recommend avoidance of trampoline use due to the high rate of injuries related to this type of activity.

¨ Supervise all recreation in which your child participates, especially toddler and adolescent play, to prevent injury. Adults should supervise all swimming activity; never leave children unattended around water sports of any kind.

¨ Apply sunscreen to avoid sunburn and reduce skin cancer risks.

¨ If your child has a chronic condition such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease, or high blood pressure, be aware of their limitations and seek advise from your child's doctor about what level of exercise involvement is right for your child, a simple blood test can help identify potential health issues.

The most important thing when it comes to relating the importance of fitness back to to a school age child is that it's meant to be FUN! It's very easy to disguise youth fitness as play time. It's recommended that every child, every day, gets out & exercises anywhere from 30 - 60min a day. While they're young, it's important to make sure that they equate play time & running around as important as the nutrition guidelines they learn at school. With budget cuts & district restrictions, many schools can't afford recess or gym class so it's even more important than ever that parents get involved & get their kids outside to play.

Original article

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