How To Motivate Video Game Addicted Kids to Get Active

Obesity is a scary thing for any parent or child to have to face. Obesity can lead to terrible health conditions like heart attacks, strokes and sadly even death. 1 in every 3 children are either over weight or obese in America today. Parents should provide there children with the tools that they need to stay fit and healthy. Too many kids now a days are spending too much time indoors playing video games that encourage them to sit.

Parents do not have to ban there children from video games in order to help them get active. There are video games that can help kids instead of hurt them. Typical video games have kids sitting and clicking a controller. This can make it very easy for anyone to become over weight. Healthy video games can get kids up and moving by giving them a way to use there bodies to move the games.

The fisher price smart cycle is a great game for younger children. This is a colorful bike that kids petal through magical lands. They can also learn there letters, shapes and much more with it.

For older kids there are dance video games that are fun for everyone. These games are also great for parties and a get together. Even if you have guest that may not want to dance they can have a good time while watching everyone else dance to these entertaining games.

For most of these games you will not need a certain game system to use them. There are plug in and play games that hook right into your television so kids can be playing in no time.

Did you know that when you exercise you can retain information better? Studies have shown that kids who are involved in physical activity learn more and score higher on tests. Exercise gets the blood flowing throughout the body which makes the brain function better. It is much easier for children to retain new information if they get the right amount of physical activity.

Games like these can offer a way to get video game addicted kids up and moving because once kids see the fun coming out of there television screen they can be exercising before they know it.

Introduce healthier video games to your children so that kids will never have to face the effects of obesity. The Fisher price Smart Fit Park is another great game for kids. They can learn there letters, spelling, addition, subtraction, motor skills and much much more with this game. It comes with a colorful pad that kids can run and jump on. They can also customize an avatar that can help coach them throughout the game.

Childhood obesity is a deadly epidemic that is plaguing the American kids of today.The good news is that we can beat this. Providing children with healthy ways to keep in shape is a great way to ensure them in leading longer, happier, healthier lives. I hope these games can help inspire you and your children to get up and moving because it is very important for everyone to be active.

If your kids are hooked on video games don't fight them about it. With games like the Smart Fit Park from Fisher Price. They can play the games they want and you know they're improving their mind and bodies.

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