Who Is Responsible for Obesity in Children?

Most parents worry about the spread of obesity in children. They listen to advice and pay close attention to the food they give their children. But what if they were to learn that the diet advice they have been getting for the past four decades, is wrong.

What's worse, the advice is responsible for obesity in children as well as adults. The diets people trust and encourage their family to use, have never been scientifically tested to prove they are safe for adults, let alone children.

Till forty years ago we didn't diet. We didn't need to, the vast majority of people were slim. Then, in the seventies, when everyone became an expert on something, some people decided they wanted a niche on the fringe of medicine. They called themselves Nutritionists, dietitians and diet guru's.

For forty years, these people have offered us literally thousands of diets. Not a single one has been tested to prove it works. Diets have never undergone genuine scientific research. No human trials have been conducted to test the validity of the claims. Not one single diet has been researched and trialed to prove it is safe for human consumption.

The first diet was called 'The Pyramid Diet. It was an exact reversal of our traditional diet. It doesn't take an Einstein to work out that such a change was more than a shock to the body. A shock it still hasn't learned to get over. Evolution takes centuries, not four decades.

Every diet promoted during the past forty years has been a variation on the Pyramid Diet, and eventually, everyone of them has been discredited. But not before hundreds of thousands of people have used them and suffered the consequences. The fact is, we are not designed to diet. Our body doesn't understand the food we eat.

When we cut down on food our body has a programmed response. It's called Famine! That means our brain signals our metabolism to slow down to allow us to conserve fat. When the famine is over, the body is programmed to go into overdrive to recover every ounce of weight we have lost. It will even add a little extra fat to protect us against the next famine.

How do we change that? We don't, because we can't, it's nature. What we can do is learn to work with our body instead of against it. We need to feed our body the kind of food it evolved with. Not the kind of food that is manufactured and processed in plants across the nation.

Bad diets, with the wrong food, recommended by pseudo experts have turned perfectly slim, healthy people into fat victims of food addiction. Children eat what the adults eat. If mom is addicted, chances are the children are too.

It is still possible to get back to where we were, but not until the people who make the decisions, get enough pressure from the rest of us, to take action and do something about it. Until then, we each have to concentrate on fixing our own family. Part of that is to learn to ignore advice about food that sounds good, but has no proven benefit. We are human beings - not Rabbits.

To avoid obesity in children, we owe it to them to educate ourselves about the food nature designed our body to digest. And to stop listening to people who spout nineteen seventieth fad nonsense. I know that's not easy. These people have had forty years to establish their base of authority. But that authority sits on a fragile mount of sand.

Get the facts, because with the facts you will see right though that nonsense and you will know what to do. Obesity in children is not preordained. It's simply caused by yet another ill advised human intervention.

I know that any thought of changing your food is difficult to think about. But that's your addiction thinking for you. Once the addiction is gone so are the cravings, the binges the inappropriate hunger pains. You'll be free from constant thoughts of food. Remember - so will your children. Do it for them!

If you choose not to act, your children will grow up in a world with an even greater numbers of people who suffer weight problems, obesity, heart disease and type2 diabetes. Statistics suggest the numbers will be 80% of the population by 2020. If you don't act, your children and their children are likely to become part of those statistics.

My name is Kirsten plotkin. I am a writer and author of two books about the real reason we have an obesity epidemic today.
Watch this video and learn the truth about obesity.
The Carbohydrate Addicts Manual

Kirsten Plotkin
Goldcoast, Queensland, Australia
+617 5593 6363

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