How To Lose Weight For Children - Kids Must Be Taught How To Diet Correctly

We've heard the dismal statistics...many of our kids are overweight and there is no sign of the trend reversing itself soon. This is alarming for three reasons:

1. Childhood and adolescence are times when the body is growing and developing. It is critical that proper nutrition be provided.

2. Children need a healthy balance between physical activity and food intake. As weight increases, the child is less likely to achieve this balance on an ongoing basis.

3. The overweight child is at increased risk for developing weight related problems in adulthood.

Most children will not learn good nutritional habits on their own. Hours in front of the TV or computer expose them to endless commercials for the latest and greatest (and unhealthful) foods. The kids believe that these high-fat, high-sodium, high-calorie foods are good for them. The adults in their lives need to teach, and model, the proper way to eat.

What can you do? First, learn the basics of healthful, eating for yourself...and then show the rest of the family how to manage nutrition and weight for a lifetime.

• Eat at home whenever you can. (Cook extra on the weekends and use the slow cooker during the week.)

• Reduce portion sizes. Ask your child's doctor to tell you the number of calories to aim for and reduce serving sizes as needed.

• Eliminate all sugar-sweetened beverages. (Sodas and other drinks with sugar can add 10-15 pounds of weight in a year.)

• Use smaller bowls and plates. This step gives the illusion of a larger amount of food and is thus more satisfying.

• Eat slowly. Give time to the brain to signal that you are full.

• Eat only when hungry.

• No "mindless eating"; that is, eating while watching TV, working on the computer, viewing a movie, reading. When you eat, eat. If your child wails that he is starving, offer him food if he turns the TV off and sits at the table. (Let's see how "starving" he really is.)

• Serve food dished up in bowls and platters on the table.

• No second servings.

• Three meals with healthful, in between snacks.

• Fill half of the plate with fruits and vegetables. The remaining half is divided between protein and grains (preferably whole grains).

• Children need a minimum of one hour of activity per day...walk, run, jump, play tag, bike, sports...balancing activity against food intake is crucial for the maintenance of healthy weight.

• Get your child involved in a community or school based sports team. (In addition to healthy weight control, he or she will learn the fundamentals of teamwork, discipline, and sportsmanship.)

We address our children's educational needs, immunizations, check-ups, homework, schedule, bedtime...and most other aspects of their lives. Teaching principles of nutrition will equip your child for effective weight management for a lifetime.

Stop drinking sugary pop today! You will child be on his way to the ideal weight! If you're serious, I'll help you.

By Sue Bristol, R.N.

My eBook will lead you through the way to make it work for you, and your obese child, or spouse. Here's the "Secret Weight Loss Diet" that virtually EVERY successful dieter uses. (Whether or not they are even aware of it!)

"Click Here" to get your Free e-book, which will give you the "Weight Loss Secret" Kids shouldn't be obese.

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