It's Everyone's Job to Prevent Childhood Obesity

When the facts show that teen weight loss is a big issue for one-third of the teens it becomes an issue that we are all forced to deal with. That is an overwhelming high number of children suffering from child obesity. The overweight issue puts these children at higher risk for severe health issues like asthma, diabetes and heart disease. Not only does childhood obesity cause physical health problems, it can also cause emotion issues because children tend to tease those who have weight problems. This results in a very negative body image, which can lead to mental issues like depression.

What Can You Do?

As a teen, you do have some control over your own teen weight loss. You can be a leader by showing that you realize you have a problem, then be the example by doing something to solve the problem. Find someone who has a healthy weight and ask them how they do it. Choose to start living a healthier life. Ask your family and friends to support you in your goal to lose the weight. Think about your physical activities. If you are an avid gamer, instead of sitting and playing games all the time, take an hour a day and do some exercises, go for a walk or swim, or play a game that allows you to be physical (which can be a very fun way to lose weight.)

Eat Healthier

You do have a choice to make with the foods you eat. Teen weight loss will happen if you choose to eat healthier foods. Skip eating foods that are overly sweet or "junky". Instead of candy and cookies, choose fruit. Instead of drinking sodas, try tea sweetened with a sugar substitute, or just plain water. Know that these choices will help you to fight and win the battle against child obesity. Encourage those closest to you to help you make better choices.

More Eating Tips

Ask the person who is responsible for cooking the meals to cook foods that include vegetables and lean meats. Ask them to fix your plate by giving you smaller portions. If you know ahead of time that is all you will get, you may find you will be as satisfied with the meal as if you had packed your plate. Teen weight loss requires a lot of will power, and enlisting those who cook your meals to help you out will help you to beat child obesity.

Winning the battle with teen weight loss means changing your life style completely. Make better choices with meals and snacks. Talk your friends into participating in more physical activities with you instead of sitting in front of the TV all the time, make them your accountability buddies. You will find that friends and family can be very supportive and helpful if you just ask them. You can mention to them that these will be good habits to create and will be healthier for them too.

Theresa de Jesus is a health and wellness coach. She is passionate in helping kids challenged by overweight or obesity to create a healthy, active and fun lifestyle. Get your FREE weight loss booster newsletter and learn how you can lose weight the healthy way without feeling deprived.

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