Tips to Stopping Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity has gone to record heights in the past 20 years due to an increase in unhealthy foods and decrease in physical activity among today's youth. Many long term physical and emotional issues go hand in hand with childhood obesity. It is very important for parents to work with their children on developing healthy habits to help stop obesity. Below are 5 important tips to stop childhood obesity.

Breakfast: Breakfast is essential for the body as it awakens the body from its low metabolism sleep state. Children need breakfast to not only have a healthy body, but also a healthy mind. Having a healthy nutritious breakfast is the key to preventing obesity as kids will often snack on sugary foods if they don't eat breakfast. A well rounded meal of skim milk, oatmeal and a piece of fruit will start your child off to a healthy day.

Fiber: Another essential way to prevent weight problems would be to incorporate fiber to their diet. Fiber is required to make sure the digestive tract functions correctly. You will find a multitude of both fruits and veggies that provide a great resource of fiber that the child will eat. Items like beans in addition to whole grain products are wonderful sources of fiber. Fiber stabilizes the sugar in the blood and also helps the body get rid of waste.

Complex Carbohydrates: Do not try a low or no carbohydrate diet with your child. Growing bodies need carbohydrates, but they must be complex carbohydrates. Whole grain breads, oatmeal and pastas should be a staple in the diet. Avoid any type of white bread or rice as this is a major source of sugar which promotes fat.

Fruits and Vegetables: You need to make sure that your child will get a minimum of 5 portions of fruits in addition to veggies within their diet. You need to provide a couple of different kinds so they aren't getting fed up with eating exactly the same factor. Make certain you will find some which are always chopped and able to eat. Making fruits available as snacks, instead of sugary products, will help the whole family eat better.

Fluids: Among the greatest mistakes that some parents make would be to give the youngster soda. Soda is yet another reason of weight problems. Soda provides nothing but problems for children trying to lose weight, because it tastes great and is horrible for the child. Keep soda out of the house or switch to no sugar soda.

Derek J Smith is an entrepreneur and author who focuses on weight loss, nutrition and overall health improvement. Do you suffer from obesity, high cholesterol or overall tiredness? Learn about what causes high cholesterol and improve your health at

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