5 Simple Strategies to Help Your Kids Avoid the Slow Slide Into Obesity

The childhood obesity epidemic is worldwide so we shouldn't feel all alone here in North America. However, our lifestyle habits here do seem to spread worldwide and cause problems. So it pretty much goes without saying that it is up to us to begin to turn this pattern around and we can all take part. It will start with individuals, spread to families, then to our children's generation. It took us a couple of generations to get into this trouble and it will take us that long to get out, but it can be done.

Here are 5 simple strategies to help you set the course for success and family health and wellness.

1. Set the example. I hope you didn't think I was going to say you could just sit back and it would happen. If you are not accustomed to movement on a daily basis this may be a challenge, but what better reason to make a change than for the health and well being of your whole family. Start with small changes if this is difficult for you, like a walk together for 15 minutes after work or in the evening. When you take them to the park, take part. Don't just stand at the bottom of the slide and catch them. Play tag, run the bases, climb the bleachers, play hide and seek.

2. Move as a family. If you start the habit of doing fun activities together as a family when your children are young, they will come to expect it. That will help you in the long run because the children will be asking what the plan is for the next activity or they won't hesitate to ask to do something in particular. The most fit families I know are the ones who spend a lot of time together being active. It isn't always organized or competitive activities. It may be as simple as hiking on a favourite trail with a picnic snack or spending time at your local park, beach or pool. Just start the tradition.

3. Pre-plan some family activities. This may seem pointless to you but the idea is that your family have something to look forward to. When the whole family knows that you are going to be doing a particular pre-planned activity on the weekend then you can build the excitement and anticipation, not to mention using it as a leverage tool for co-operation throughout the week. Make sure this is done positively rather than in a threatening way. Solicit their help and support through the week with the reminder of what you all have to look forward to.

4. Assign family chores.It is not considered child labour if you teach and expect your children to make beds, put dirty clothes in the laundry, put clean laundry away, set and clear tables or load dishwashers, just to name a few. General clean up and keeping things tidy along with outdoor chores such as filling leaf bags are all suitable for young children. Yes it takes time to teach them the skills but they are life skills they will need someday. Think about it. Left quietly on their own many 2 and 3-year-olds can do fiendishly intricate tasks so channel their energies into something that is helpful for everyone. If they know their help is required in order for the family to do some fun things together there shouldn't be too much difficulty. Set the bar at a level they can reach and you will all soon have success.

5. Swap some poor nutrition habits for good ones. Typical poor food habits are junk food and caffeine. If this is one of your weak spots try making a deal with your kids. If you expect them to give up sugary glasses of juice throughout the day (even 100% juice can be high in sugar) and switch to water sometimes, then perhaps you could agree to swap the same number of caffeinated drinks (including colas and energy drinks) for water. The same could go for junk food. Make a swap. Plan it, agree to it, set the example and follow through. You are aren't eliminating it altogether in one fell swoop but making easier, gradual change.

Lainey Robbins has owned a private home daycare since 1993. Over the years she has created simple systems that follow a simple methods, (mainly K.I.S.S. - keep it super simple) and it has worked without fail so she has decided to develop a website to market items and ideas to promote kids health and fitness. Check out http://www.fitkidsandfood.com/ and stay tuned for the soon to be completed ebook.

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