It is hard to believe, but in the course of forty years, The Pyramid Diet has been unmasked, exposed, discredited and buried, in this writer's recollection, at least 4 times. That's an average of once a decade. The people who advocate The Pyramid Diet, and endorse it, should be sued for endangering and damaging public health.
The Pyramid Diet is about politics, not science and it is certainly not about public health. This is how it works. A regular campaign, around once a decade, is initiated by grain producers and diet food manufacturers. They are followed by Nutritionists, diet Gurus and other opportunists. They make a well planned onslaught on the government and the public to coerce them to endorse and enforce the Pyramid Diet.
Suddenly The Pyramid Diet is rediscovered. It is resurrected from the depth of the abyss where those of us who remember the last burial, had hoped it would remain forever. It is dusted off, cleaned and polished. The old big glossy poster is reproduced and The Pyramid Diet is relaunched. The turnaround usually takes around a decade. That is a short enough time, for people to remember the name and the poster. But long enough for them to forget why it was so unceremoniously dumped a decade earlier.
Why does this keep happening? The relaunch of the Pyramid Diet, always precedes a massive increase in grain, and manufactured food consumption. What is less noticeable and rarely reported, is a new, sudden increase in obesity statistics and type2 diabetes. To that we can add an increase in heart disease, colon and bowel cancers. In other words: This is not about us, the people. It is not about ours, or our children's health. It is all about money and support for industry.
What is so disastrous about The Pyramid Diet? It is virtually a carbohydrate diet and that means an extremely low protein diet. Protein is the stuff that grows and mends our skin, bones, muscles, tissue and internal organs. Human beings simply cannot exist without protein. It is critical for the normal, healthy growth of our children. We do not see obesity in children who get plenty of protein. The result of a lack of protein in our children can be seen in the average school yard. More and more children are becoming obese.
What is carbohydrate and why is it so bad? In fact, carbohydrates are not good, or bad. They are just not a necessity for human life. Throughout history, there have been many extended periods and seasons when people had to live without carbohydrates. Every carbohydrate we eat is converted to glucose. Glucose is liquid sugar. It is the fuel our body likes to burn when we use energy. In other words, once inside our body, all carbohydrates become equal and the same.
To add a health value to liquid sugar is ridiculous, under any circumstances. To advise people to feed their children on a carbohydrate diet is not only irresponsible, it should be illegal. A carbohydrate diet does not only cause obesity in children, it will shorten their lives.
What happens if our body runs out of carbohydrates to turn into glucose? It will simply use your fat and protein to convert to glucose. We have seen that happen many times. Our body can only burn the fuel it requires the moment we need to use some energy. The body cannot store glucose. If we don't immediately use it for energy, our body has no choice but to store it as body fat.
Body fat has nothing to do with the fat we eat. It is fat manufactured by our body from the carbohydrates we eat. Body fat is the fat that sticks to our tummy, hips and thighs. It clogs our arteries and nestles around our vital organs.
Carbohydrates cause obesity, heart disease, colon and bowel cancer. Obesity also leads to type2 diabetes. Our so called diet 'experts' are slowly killing us and they are depriving our children of a healthy future.
A relaunch of The Pyramid Diet doesn't last forever. Over time, old evidence begins to resurface. The promoters have had their feast and they begin to worry about ramifications and governments are warned of potential voter dissatisfaction. But the damage doesn't stop there. It takes at least a decade to re-educate the public. By that time, The Pyramid Diet wheel of disaster is primed to roll again!
My name is Kirsten plotkin. I am a writer and author of two books about the real reason we have an obesity epidemic today. Watch this video and learn the truth about obesity.
The Carbohydrate Addicts Manual
Kirsten Plotkin
Goldcoast, Queensland, Australia,
+617 5593 6363
Find me on Facebook
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