Why I Care So Much About Childhood Obesity

Ever since I can remember I have been overweight. When I was a kid I would feel unhealthy, slow and sick. That is no way for a child to feel. Other kids would tease me about my wight and that always hurt my feelings. Now that I am older I still am over weight but now I try to eat healthier than I did as a child. I am a vegan and so is my little family which consists of me, the love of my life Justin and our 1 year old daughter Lily.

Being a new mom has made me realize how important a healthy lifestyle is for a child. 1 in every 3 children are either over weight or obese in America today. Obesity is a scary thing for any parent or child to have to face because obesity can lead to terrible health conditions like hearts attacks, strokes, and sadly even death. This generation of children could be the first to not live as long as there parents have. Clogged arteries are also being found in children as young as 13 years old! That means that they could experience heart attacks by the time they reach the early age of 30.

I am trying to help other parents find fun ways to fight and prevent this deadly epidemic. Parents really should provide there children with the tools that they need to live a healthy lifestyle so that they have a better chance of living a long and happy life.

Many kids are spending too much time inside watching television, watching TV or using a computer. Physical activity is an important part of living a long life. Without exercise the body will slowly die. The statistics of childhood obesity say that the main causes of obese children are a poor family lifestyle, a poor diet and lack of physical activity.

Getting kids in shape doesn't have to be hard or boring for them or you. If you can introduce fun tools that can motivate them to get up and moving you will be helping them get into shape. Kids can have tons of fun with fun ideas like basketball hoops for your driveway or a trampoline for your backyard.

Swimming is great for a child's health. If you don't have a big yard to install a pool you could look into a swimming hot tub, they are a great way to exercise and have fun all year round. These tubs have a constant flow of water so you can swim right into the current. That is pretty cool for kids and adults.

There are dancing video games and other healthy video games for the kids who are addicted to video games too! Fighting obesity docent have to be hard it just takes a little creativity and action to get your kids to get up and moving.

There are cooking games for kids that can get everyone interested in what they are eating. There are seltzer makers and juicers that can provide your family with the best beverages that are available. Find the perfect cookbook for your family and change your families health dramatically. you can be surprise at how good you can feel if you simply improve your diet.

Kids need support from there parents and families. They will have a better chance of over coming obesity if they have there families support. Don't wait until the terrible heath complications show them selves. Prevent it from harming your children and beat if if it already has already. Together we can beat childhood obesity.

If you would like to find fun ways to beat childhood obesity like with a Swimming Hot Tub you can visit Childhood Obesity In America.com for more fun ideas like these.

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