Government statistics tell us that at least one out of every three children in the United States today is overweight. That is astonishing and very alarming! Obesity is deadly wherever it occurs... children or adults. Your child desperately needs your help. Guiding him or her to effective weight management is a gift you can give that will last a lifetime.
The good news is this: it's really not as difficult to lose weight and to maintain that loss as we've been led to believe. For most people struggling with weight issues, the problem has been one of misinformation. We don't have the proper tools for weight loss available to us for two reasons: First, we live in a capitalistic society. Many entrepreneurs (and just regular folks) are trying to make a living by supporting certain products. When the product sells, they make a bit of money. That's not a bad thing... most sellers don't intend to give you misleading information. It's simply a fact that contrived diets are really hard to maintain.
Secondly, it takes some time to test a product. After a few years, most "diets" are found to be ineffective and they are replaced by newer and better methods. This is why fad diets are called fad diets. They're popular for a bit, we find out they don't work, and then we toss them out the window and we are in hot pursuit of something better.
Well, there's some really good news for you and for your children. There is a simple and straight-forward way to lose weight and keep it off and that is... (drumroll please)... to change your eating habits!
- We don't need to eat grapefruit or eggs or oatmeal or bananas or any other food item to the exclusion of others.
- We don't need to eliminate entire food groups.
- We don't need programs, pills, or potions.
- We simply need to eat in the way our bodies are designed to eat and to consume the foods that were designed to feed us!
It's that simple and it works for anyone... adult, child, either sex.
Here are six tips to get you started in weight loss:
1. Begin today to reduce, by at least one-third, everything that goes into your mouth. If you're eating out, request a take-home box to be brought at the same time your food is delivered. Cut it into halves... eat half and box half. You'll enjoy it tomorrow.
(Most restaurant wait-staff will happily do that for you if you ask).
2. Throw out all beverages that have been sweetened by sugar. You don't need "empty calories" (that is, they offer nothing of any value... they only add calories).
3. Stop placing bowls and platters on the table, "family-style". Rather, dish the plates up at the stove or countertop. No second helpings either. You will have plenty of food on your plate.
4. Eat slowly. It takes 20 to 30 minutes for the brain to register fullness. If you eat too fast, you will be consuming more food than you need to be satisfied.
5. Learn to read labels on food items. How many calories are you buying into with that single cookie? Is it worth it? When you look for calories on the label, check how many servings are supposed to be in that one item. You might be surprised. The calorie count is for each serving... not the whole cookie.
6. Incorporate at least modest exercise into your life. Walking is an excellent way to burn calories. Use stairs rather than the elevator whenever you can. Think motion! Move around your home or workplace whenever you can. Use the restroom on another floor and take the stairs to get there. Don't stay in the same position for more than 2 hours at a time. Your metabolism slows and your joints get stiff.
Eating the natural way will become a habit for you and your children. You can get that weight off and you can keep it off!
One of three kids is overweight! That's almost unbelievable. Responsible parents want the solution.
My e-book will lead you through the way to make it work for you and your overweight child.
by Sue Bristol, R.N.
Here's the "Secret Weight Loss Diet" that virtually EVERY successful dieter uses
(Whether or not they are even aware of it!)
"Click Here" to get your Free e-book, which will give you the "Weight Loss Secret"
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