Give Your Child The Gift of Good Eating Habits

Creating good eating habits for your child is one of the most important jobs you have as a parent. Like most things that children learn they are going to accept and learn what you demonstrate to them far more than they will what you tell them. And eating habits, like most good habits must be formed early in order to have the most impact.

Here are just a few things that every parent ought to know to help their child cultivate good eating habits to prevent a lifetime of frustration and discouragement that comes with becoming overweight.

• As soon as your child starts eating solid food keep them away from sweets. A child who grows up without candy, soda pop and dessert will never miss it as they grow older. Most people who have a sweet tooth developed it very young.

• When you serve your child food, don't serve them more food than about the size of their fist. This will usually fill them up. If they are hungry and ask for more, make it a smaller portion.

• Never force a child to finish what is on their plate and if you're trying them on a new food start out with very small portions and allow them to decide if they like it or not.

• Never use food as a reward for good behavior and never withhold food for discipline. Take food out of the equation as a bargaining chip with your child.

• Encourage your child to eat foods that you know are healthier and less fattening. Talk up how good salads, vegetables and lean meats are and have them experiment tasting these foods with you.

• Don't force your child to eat on a rigid schedule. They know if they are hungry or not and forcing them to eat when they're not disables their ability to eat when they need to, not when they think they should.

• Have your child eat at the kitchen table, not in front of the TV where he will develop mindless eating habits.

• Discourage snacking between meals and never use food as a pacifier for your child in the car or at home.

• Finally, encourage your child to develop good eating habits by following those habits yourself. Kids never buy into the "do as I say, not as I do argument."

If you are able to instill good eating habits in a child early, you will have given them a gift that is priceless. They won't have to fight the diet demon and they will have a far better chance of getting the gift of good health.

If you don't change your habits, your habits will ensure that you never change.

My name is Larry Allen and I spent the last three years researching and analyzing why diet and exercise programs don't work for most people and developing an alternative that does.

"It's Just A Habit" is a bold new approach to permanent weight loss. It shows how by following 4 simple habits can have dramatic results that are not achievable through diet and exercise. No diet and exercise plans, no pills, no hype and no phony promises. It's simple and it's easy.

Visit my website at and discover why you haven't been able to lose weight permanently and what you can do about it.

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